It's been a while since I wrote on here. How neglectful of me. tut tut. Since I last wrote I have sold stacks of stuff on e-bay. Made up with Secret Lover, got dumped by Secret Lover 3 days later and we are now back on again. Last time I saw him was about one hour ago and it was definitely on. Talk about yo yo situation. I have no idea if we are going to Moscow or not but he promised to make me a blackberry cheesecake, so he's obviously planning on continuing as Blackberries aren't in season till end Aug and its only end of June. (Although he might not know this - he might think they're in season next week or something - so who knows!) Also, been attacked by raging rabbit, rabbit in deep shit. Got soaked by loads of Brownies whilst playing water games with them, but my team won so thats good. Made loads of raspberry jam with fruit from my garden. Made bunting for my garden as well. But garden still horrible mess, it's covered inrabbit poo and pot holes where rabbit keeps trying to escape. Had 2 dates with 2 different men. Have failed miserably to get a date for 4th of July so I'm going with my all time fave, gawjus and reliable person. It's me, myself and I. Have bought myself Ted Baker dress to wear. Just need shoes. I've had several crap friday nights,mainly down to the Prawn. The first one was when she dragged me to the pub, drank too much, picked up my drink and walk out with it informing me that we were going home. She then went upstairs and passed out. All by 8:30 on a friday night,leaving me on my own in her front room to amuse myself with her TV. Not impressed. The following week she said she'd comeout with me but then blew me out so I ended up in on my own. Then last friday she came round, ate fish pie a la Murph with me and we watched "Walk The Line" I suppose that passes for an ok friday evening. Both my dates with Jon and with Michael were ok, everything is just OK. I want a whole lot more than OK. Not sure what I want..maybe thats why I havent got it. Or have I, maybe I just want brief fundez vous with Secret Lover. Would like to get some sort of commitment from Secret Lover to supply me with weekly encounter, lots of kisses, occasional friday night together and sunday lunches cooked by either party. That would suit me fine. Oh and Moscow to be back on. Thats the thing though...casual commitment. Is that possible? Does that not defeat the object? Confused.
PS thing one is now eating breakfast again
PPS Michael Jackson has died, though I'm pretty sure everyone knows that.
PPPs My pod is getting married and every conversation we have is about weddings.
PPPPPs One of my recent dates has a piecing on his manhood. But I'm not saying which date. OMG. Am thinking that sex with him would be nerve racking. Would be worried his piercing would get entangled with my coil. So I doubt I'll be seeing him again.
February, mud and hope
2 weeks ago