And it gets worse. I am wondering if its just me or is everyone’s life filled with moments of fraughtness and conflict. I have to believe it’s the same for everyone.
Didn’t mention Secret Lover in my last post as this deserves a posting all of it’s own. On the Friday of my return I received a visit from SL, gave him his holiday present. Presented with the words “his and hers shells from the bottom of the ocean”. He chose the one he wanted and told me he’d been waiting for me to come back. We then snuggled up under my duvet and we made plans for a holiday in Moscow in the autumn. He also told me how his sex drive seemed to be dwaning (is that a real word or did I just make it up..oh whatever). He said that the previous week a girl had virtually chucked herself at him and he had felt no desire to go back to her house as she was requesting. So I said that’s good cos I want you all to myself. To that he gave me a kiss. Anyway…I then got sick during the week and was just about recovering on Wednesday evening and decided to text the following:
“If you free Friday night do you fancy doing something?”
This is what I got back!!! “Sorry babe, I’m staying round my girlfriends”. What fxxxing girlfriend...he might have had the integrity to mention it before. But thats him all over.
I felt the blood drain out of me and I honestly thought for a moment that I was going to die. But I didn’t. I’m still here. Although a wee bit of me did actually die. But then another bit grew, bigger, stronger and with more resolve. Instead of texting back I phoned the Prawn. Cried profusely down the phone. Then pulled myself together. He got no response from me whatsoever, but he did text back the following day “Sorry if I upset you”. Not very comforting is it? Not very informative either. Sooo what to do.... Am I bothered? Of course I am. So I phoned him and told him I am so not sharing. Also told I not want to be his girlfriend anyway even if he wanted me to be as I not trust him as far as I can throw him. I said that only way I would be with him is if we were married. All starting to sound like proposal of marriage instead of big dumping session so I then announced I no see him again. He's probably totally confused. Not confused enough to go and play tennis though. Thats what it said on his facebook this morning. So she can play tennis too.. Suspect she thinner than me. Odd isn't it. That the thought of him playing tennis with someone else is worse than thought of them in bed together. Thats because I can't even hit the bloody ball! When the ball comes towards me I duck or move out of its way. Think new floozy should bog off back to south africa, whence where I believe she comes from. She has washboard stomach. I hate her with vengeance. I have deducted all this from facebook.
I have not sat on my laurels though. No way sirree. I have a plan. I am in dire need of a date for 4th July, which is not that far off. I am going to posh event run by posh friends in the Village - that would be dream village where I am trying to ensconse myself. I have 4 candidates lined up. Would be escorts are: Jon from Stortford who is gas central heating engineer, 5'7, kids but not live with him. Sounds nice. Michael, who is tall and attractive but comes with 6 children, can only hazard a guess at what his hobbies are, he is local and has suggested I meet him friday with my mates and he will buy us all a drink. Could take this 2 ways. He's very generous or, he's crap with money. Then there is Scott. Chose Scott on a whim, he dressed up like a goblin in his photo. Figured no one else would look at him...he's very funny. I like. But think he may be a bit too old for me. Then there is spare guys. Apparently, he took another single lady to the 'posh function' last year and they had good time...need to find out if he still available.
Yours, from she who has so far escaped with dignity intact ie managed not to cry down phone or beg him to dump her for me.
Minty xx
February, mud and hope
2 weeks ago
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