I've knocked up another little dress for thing two. This ones is a bit more day to day than the French Toile dress. I might put some rick rack at bodice level..but as she likes dress as it is I don't really need to.
I've also been buying items left right and centre from e-bay, including 3 books. Two of them are books from my childhood, had to buy an expensive vintage copy of The Tree that Sat down by Beverley Nichols. I've bought it for Thing two but am reading it myself to remind myself why it was so special to me. I've also picked up a copy of When Hitler Stole Pink Rabbit as Thing Two has a fascination with WWII at the moment and a copy of Green Smoke. I read Green Smoke when I was about 8 and it spawned several years worth of holidays to Constantine Bay in Cornwall and a life time thing about King Arthur. I insisted on going to Tintagel and used to dream about Sir Lancelot, the round table and Camelot. Camelot in my mind being a huge magical castle (think disney but made of bricks and mortar in the Cotswolds oh and of course a huge moat).
All round its a been a better week than last week. Last Monday Thing One refused point blank to get up and go to school. Waged War on thing one and managed to get her there in the first break. Managed to do this by confiscating her phone, she somehow managed to get hold of my phone and hid it. I was actually meant to be at work at this point! Anyway, phone situation caused bit of a stale mate but not for long. Hurled her school bag, shoes and blazer out of front door and told her she was next if she didn't get going of her own accord. She went. Was so distraught by events that I organised big meeting with her school who have promised to support me, have also got a report from all her teachers which was surprisingly good. Teenagers eh!!! Also had cause to visit Thing Two's head teacher re the bullying in her classroom. I mentioned in my last post or maybe the one before that her best friends mother had said that Maddie was not to play with Thing Two....totally baffled by this. Anyway, she then proceeded to remove Maddie from the school completely. Total havoc from Thing Two. So many rumours, all of them unpleasant some of them involving thing two, quite a nighmare. Tis settling down now.
This week we are eating only food cooked from scratch. What this means is that I spend ages in the kitchen and end up binning most of it. Yesterday we all made together 3 huge home made pizzas with a zillion toppings. I ate mine, they left theirs....why do I bother?