Hi fellow bloggers and fans!

I have now finished dress number 2....and now I know I'll never be a seamstress. Dress has been headache - looks ok now and at least I can wear it and know that it wasn't made in a sweatshop by low paid Indians or children (suspect they'd make a better job than I though). On the first dress fitting I discovered bodice too small so had to unpick seams and undo darts to salvage some fabric to fit round my rather rotund chest. Because of that the bodice seams no longer matched the skirt seams to I had to chop top of skirt off...oh bum de bums. Still, its kept me out of trouble for a couple of days. Dress needs black pointy shoes and thick black belt. Photo not do dress justice.

Paid visit to Thing Two's teacher today and presented her with Thing Two's diary - I told thing two to keep diary for 2 weeks about her experiences with friends in playground and in general. Tis damning evidence of daily bullying. Bullying by Little Miss Ratbag. Little Miss Ratbag exceedling jealous of thing two regardless of Little Miss Ratbag living in enormous house with electric gates, a swimming pool in garden, being driven round in giant car with tinted windows worth more than my house and possessions put together, she also gets to holiday in Florida for 3 weeks every year. I could go on but why she should be jealous of thing two God only knows. Also had follow up phone call from thing one's school regarding my meeting where I complained about lack of teaching and teachers especially in History and Geography. Anyway school rang to let me know something will be done so I pointed out that this weeks History lesson had consisted of all class members being hande a word search on Henry VIII - lesson done. How appalling is that!!!
Cannot wait for weekend. Have an event and a party to go to, so have been sunbathing all week in order to glow...not red but a nice glowing shade of caramel would be nice.
bye for now xx
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