Now that I've got a nice new shiny year to fill I feel it's about time I did a posting. It's been a strange few months...but I'm still intact as are the things. Had some rather hellish times with my difficult teenager and I expect there will be more but I feel better equipped to deal with it now that I've been "cured" by very nice therapist. Our sessions are now over and I wouldn't say I was an expert in her chosen field, cognitive behaviour therapy or CBT but I've nabbed a few bits from it regarding flexible thinking, zig zag effects and self acceptance. Apparently I really must write it all down as according to Claire (therapist) research has been done and after 6 months those that didn't record their efforts and findings forgot the entire lot. Must write it down.
Not going to write that little lot down here but will report some hots and not so hots since my trip to Denmark.
The arrival of Whiskers, she's now 6 months old and belongs to Thing Two, she was a gift on her birthday.
My solar panels - I've got 8 and they generate electricity that goes straight to my electric box under the stairs. They are solar voltaic which means they are activated by light not sunshine which is just as well here in the uk.
The two new girls at work - they're awesome - love them
The arrival of Denis...met Denis in the autumn and we had a little romance and I really enjoyed his company.
Moving Thing Two's school, well I'm happier, the journey is longer and we both felt a sense of relief when we left the old place.
I got a new replacement table. It's almost the same but wee bit smaller. I got it on the insurance and made Thing one pay the excess. I also got a new fridge
Having a retreat in the gorgeous blogs that I read regularly read, when I step into the worlds of Mimosa, Wee Wonderfuls, Posy gets Cosy, Angry Chicken, Little Cotton Rabbits and Jane Brocket it's like I'm enveloping myself in a pink fluffy blanket.
Not Hot
Having to deal with cat litter!!! ooooky
The snow that arrived just before Christmas, as usual it looked lovely but what a pain in the neck.
We didn't get a Christmas work do/ball - we did get a meal paid for but I'm going to write and complain. I like getting done up and going out to a nice hotel to have a jolly good dance with nice food.
Dumping Denis...feel very guilty but unfortunately, it didn't work out.
The new table. It's taking a long time to be able to look at it and not feel a twinge of anger. I also had to replace the fridge/freezer after Thing One's exploits.
Thing One's appalling behaviour over the last 3 months. No point pretending its been a breeze it has not. Its been a nightmare. Am learning to accept that she is not the little girl she was and have formed a mindset that she is like a caterpillar who has formed a pointy and unpleasant cocoon and will eventually breakout of it and become a beautiful butterfly. All I can do is guide when necessary, clean her room and make sure she actually eats, give her lifts and keep her safe.
Getting flu right before Christmas and having it through my entire 2 week holiday! Could barely eat Christas dinner so invited friends over on New Years Day for a roast been dinner with mince pies and champagne.
I have big plans for this year and am hoping to be creative and adventurous.
Happy New Year to one and all
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