I have not written for a while, I've been flipping between my e-mails, Facebook and e-bay recently and completely ignoring my blog. It being in its infancy I'm not happy with its beginnings, so I shall be taking unprecidented action and actually editing my last entry. Its a serious thing you know, this blogging, the thing about blogging is that everything I write is true and about real people and its all there to be read by people that I know...not that that bothers me. Of course - I might pick up an anonymous fan along the way as well...hopefully. I'm an extravert at heart and I'm happy letting people in. BUT I do have to remember that as its about me I really ought (and very often don't!) put myself in the best light, I always try and portray people in a positive way and avoid being nasty for the sake of it... so edit things I will. Aaaargh. Remove the trauma! When I'm having any kind of trauma I always heed some words of advise that someone gave my many years ago which are "Focus on what's important" so thats what I try and do. I reckon that in one way at least I am getting it right. Today was thing two's parent evening and I sat open mouthed while her teacher used words like "spectacular writing, superb reading, fantastic spelling, years ahead of herself in everything, flying, absolutly flying" WOW, can't take too much of the credit as its her that is the superstar, but I am sooo sooo proud of her. I have also lost 3 lb in weight..oh yes, oh yes. Replacing all pasta, rice, bread, pasty, cakes, biscuits,potatoes and anything else with ryvitas, houmous,yoghout and sweet potatoes is paying off.
It was my birthday last week and I am feeling very philosophical (another word for old). The day itself was pretty good, had friends for dinner and gave them my tagine..quite funny actually I had shameless in and 2 of her shameless offspring. She clearly didn't like my dinner and allowed Smallest Shameless to eat most of it..moaning all the while, "oh she always ends up eating my dinner". Right.
Yesterday I bumped into Grafitti and he's still alive, with a hangover, so no change there then.
I also had a special secret visitor..... we compared notes on how poisonous Malaria is ha ha.
Minty xx
Ps my 12 year old thinks wafers are pronounced worfers. Most heartening. Considering.
February, mud and hope
2 weeks ago