Wooo hooo
A fresh baby blog, I have before me sooo many blank and virgin blog pages to fill. No doubt I can fill it with tales of my needlepoint and window cleaning and other such perfect female pursuits...ha ha not likely. Though it has to be said that 2 of my favorie homiepaths, Martha Stewart and Anthea Turner sure have some tales to tell and could probably give me a run for my money on the blogging front. Nah, I've started this new blog because my ex-boyfriend has access to the old one and I want to be able to be open and honest and tell my tale however it may turn out. He's gone now and can add to his attributes the word VAGRANT as he is now living in a tent somewhere in the woods. Tempting as it maybe to rant and rave about that relationship I'm thinking that entry number one is not the place, no I need to tell you a little more about what to expect. First, I have some characters to introduce you to, we have;
Prawn, she's my best friend
POD - my mother aka prophet of doom
Uncle Sic - my mothers partner
Fizzy, another close friend, she's rather effervescent to say the least
The Shameless Family - they live a few doors away
The Things - my children - and I call them things not in any derogatory way but because they remind me of the little people from the cat in the hat by Dr Seuss.
Secret Lover - I think this speaks for itself
HER the woman he has children with, they're not together though
WC's - my work colleagues
The Brain - one of my work colleagues
Sad Git - probably wont get mentioned but just in case - he 's an ex-boyfriend and lives opposite me. We don't ever ever speak.
The EH - Ex husband
Skinny Minnie - friend from across the road.
Graffiti - the last boyfriend to grace my threshhold if you know what I mean.
Michelle - friend from Stevenage
Thats the main cast - will no doubt elaborate further as time goes by. I've changed all the names (you could tell couldn't you? thats just to respect privacy no offence intended to any of you guys, apart from Sad Git and Grafitti...hope I offend you plenty. ha ha.
Here's to tomorrow and lots of positive entries. If you were a reader of volume one, you'll know that the first few months of this year have been fraught with complications and all manner of disaster, but that's history, just as this new page will be tomorrow as well. New blog, new chance, new opportunities...I see my life in front of me to be filled just like these pages.
Minty xx
February, mud and hope
2 weeks ago
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