Post 2 from the Caribbean
Everytime I get as far as blogger after sending messages on facebook my internet time runs out. But here I am again. I started leading a double life almost as soon as I got here. This si due to fact that I kept sneaking off from POd to have a crafty fag. She blissfully unaware that I had been anywhere but in fact I'd been out making friends with people that smoke - as I had not brought a light. Anyway it got to the point where I fugured that she is 25 years older than me and when she was my age she drank and smoke and behaved just like when the German Guy that I'd shared a drink and a fag with earlier in the day came and sat with me and POD I just lit up. Waited fro the doomy bit but it never came so I just carried on. Got a bit pissed the other day at the surfer bar and felt positively self conscious doing that in front of POD but since then have made some friends, but they went home today. booo hoo.
This island is awesome, there are monkeys in the trees behind the hotel. I went chasing after one the other day but it way to quick for me. Going to swim with the turtles tomorrow. Can't wait. Its so beautiful. sunburn gone and am very nice colour. News from home is that Thing two, who had developed obsession with catarpillars before I cam eaway is covered in rash as she allergic to them. The things have gone to Centerparks in France with their Dad. It was the organisation of having to get them ready for that holiday which was so stressful before I cam aweay. I had to organise 2 days of them going to school in my absence as well as a weekend with their dad plus pack for their holiday. Never done so much washing and ironing in one go. Thats 10 pairs of socks each, 10 lots of undies, change of school unifirom, one case for weekend and one case each for holiday not to mention school lunchboxes and brownies, twas nightmare. Got in big pickle. This also my excuse for forgetting to bring half the things I needed for this holiday. No worry though. Very very happy xxx
February, mud and hope
2 weeks ago
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