Where to begin, at the beginning...nope not got that much time. I've got to get up and do the school run, less traumatic than yesterday I hope, Thing two pretended to be ill but I saw through it and spent my make-up/hair application time consoling and cajoling her into getting ready for school - no mean feat I can tell you. Have since seen teacher, who I trust will fix stuff. Bugger I'm going to have to finish this post later. There's more .. about the keys, about Shameless,about Secret lover Bless his gorgeous soul, about the funeral and rest in peace, about the book, about the Fountain. Later xxx
Back again..
Sad bit first, the funeral was sooo sooo morbid but the sandwiches were top notch. Saw lots of family but cried through entire service. ooops. Didn't expect to do that. Shirley and I had the same conversation repeatedly every time I saw her. Very sad that this will not be repeated apart from this one last time.
Me "hello Shirley, how are you?"
Shirley "Hello Judy"...
Entire family in unison in loud tones "It's not Judy, it's Julie"
Shirely "Oh sorry Judy"
Me "It's fine Shirley, honest"
Thats it. For Shirley I give my identity away..she was worth it.
The Book - I've been dipping in and out of Celia Ahern but have just finished 'When Love Walked' in by Marisa de los Santos. Beautiful, I've neglected so much to read this..couldn't put it down. Dinners have been burnt, toys left in the garden, I even read it in the bath. Book like a butterfly flittering through a meadow touching briefly on things as it wafts happily along. How poetic.
The Keys
Keys indeed, as you know I've been using an immobiliser code everytime I start the engine..pain in the neck.. Shame the garage didn't tell me it wouldn't unlock the petrol cap!! Nope, I didn't find that out till I was in the petrol station on empty getting more and more flustered and panic stricken. Luckily I made it back to garage and had arranged to see Secret Lover that afternoon so he came and picked me up. He then returned to see me the next day..my love is slowy rekindling, but don't think I could ever fully trust him. But plan to continue..he's looking for Mrs Right anyway, and I know its not me. Sad but true.
Shameless - well there I was on Sunday afternoon, the day of the Race for Life, the whole of my home town had an air of optimism, people smiling and happy, but did the mood last, not in our street it didn't. The air was sweet with the scent of blossom and cowslips and Thing one and I were basking in the sun when peace was interrupted by the shrieking of Mr Shameless going apeshit at Mrs Shameless who was no doubt cowering in the kitchen teary eyed being told she was fucking useless and a fucking slut over and over again. I felt this surge of cortisone running through me and for a minute wished I was a 6'4" strapping man cos I swear I'd have gone round there and rammed him into next week. But I'm not and cortisone is bad for your immune system so I let it pass with a vow to keep close eye on Mrs Shameless and middlesize Shameless, both of whom have developed a stoop. Baby shameless well dressed and gorgeous and bubbly, middle shameless dressed like tramp, lank hair, so thin, oversized coat over tatty footwear, pale over long limbs and dressed for the wrong season. She looks more like orphan Annie than orphan Annie herself. And when she comes into play with Thing two they play families and Middle Shameless always re-enacts her time in Foster care. So so sad. Mr Shameless once told me he was very protective of middle shameless...he's got a funny way of showing it.
The Fountain - check out photos they speak for themselves. Bit of escapism.
Oh and I nearly forgot about the spiders. An entire colony of spiders were born from their eggs in my bed!!!!!! OMG there were hundreds of them, they must hatched in the footboard and crawled up my duvet to greet me. They've been evacuated.
Mint xx
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