What's Not Hot
Thing two went to a party yesterday afternoon and I arrived to collect just as one of the small guests cut the top of her finger off. Luckily, the party girls mother is a nurse and did wonders, and the injured guest underwent surgery today to reattach the squashed digit. The only good thing about this horrid accident was that it gave rise to a very animated conversation amongst about 7 mums crammed into a small kitchen about other people/children that we all knew had lost fingers, bits of fingers or even whole body parts, think we all took pleasure in adding out own little bits to this discussion. What a gory lot we are!
Not hot was the relentless tantrum that thing two had on sunday after she came home from her first ever seep over in which she didn't go to sleep till 3am! The creature that ran round my front room on sunday was far removed from the one I'd had the day before. She not going to any more for a long time, clearly cant cope with it. Not hot was the tantrum that thing one had on friday night! You'd think I had a couple of toddlers not a 13 and 8 year old. Tantrum was eventually sorted and she was shipped off to her Dad's whence she had been refusing to go and I went out....think its wrong that I should have to exercise every inch of willpower and have to fight just to get a few hour to myself. Told he she could go and live with him.
Not hot is that evening out with work colleagues was cancelled, doh!! We were city bound as well.. Will have to wait for another time to bag myelf a wealthy stockbroker so that I can uproot to Chigwell, hire an au pair, ironing person, cleaner and send my things off to private school and spend my days in my heated pool or draped over chaise longue drinking champagne whilst entertaining special guests. Damn.
Not hot - ebay have introduced a max fee on postage for clothes - very annoying - I usually sell bundles of 20 items or more...wonder how thats going work?
What's Hot
My dress is coming along nicely, wednesday's are the day of my dressmaking lesson, today I did gathering and interfacings. My mother is a bit of an expert in these matters, in fact, and I reminisce a bit here, when I was a child all my clothes were home made with knickers to match, I was a walking piece of ditsy fabric embellished with lashings of rick rack, I had rick rack on every cuff, pocket top and hem, no bit of me that wasn't covered in rick rack. I was the rick rack child. We never get much done in my lessons as it clashes with Doctors and she insists on watching it first. Dress will probably be finised in 2012. Told MIL that I not buying anymore new items but only making things/e-bay etc so she pointed me firmly in direction of Primark. No thanks. Am currently seeking pillarbox red cardigan with buttons - keep being outbidded. grrrr
We've had lots of heated debates on the location of one of the holidays I've got planned for the summer. Can't really call this Not Hot, hell...arguing over holidays has to be HOT...
My mother took me to Cambridge for lunch, a wander round the Fitzwilliam Museum to check out the impressionists, bit of culture never hurt anybody , in fact it was even mentioned in the Beauty tips that are embedded in my blog edge last week. Not that I can tell my Cezanne's from my Van Gogh's or my Rembrant's from my Monet's.

Have found the new Yann Martel book but it not published yet. Found it in the Bookseller.
Can't wait to get a copy. Am happy with quantities of hots and not hots tis about right. xx
Ps just rememberd another not hot. Have broken brace by biting into cold and chunky bar of chocolate. Don't think this is what dentist had in mind. Will have to lie through my teeth. ha ha ha.
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