My Birthday weekend spent with the Prawn in very nice Hotel just outside Oxford. I drove and we had a hysterical time, I've got a trip planned for the summer to Denmark and we had copious fun and laughter pretending to be Scandinavian. Conversation went something like this
Me "Hurdy Gurdy"Her" Hagen Daz"
Me "Hurgle Burgle"
Her "Ya"
Me "Vorsprung Derk Tecknik" This conversation seemed to be on a loop - you'd be amazed how much mileage we got out of it. I am hoping to meet a Dane wearing an arran jumper, called Morten and he will be tall, blonde and tanned and ready to move me to his own private island at the drop of a hat.
We also had fun and games in the restuarant at our hotel. I didn't seem to quite hit it off with our chief waiter. Wont go into too much detail but to say he was Welsh, one morning I asked him if he could organise some teas and coffees to our table and he said "versittem?" I had to get him to repeat it to me 4 times before I cottoned onto the fact he wsas saying "Where are you sitting?". Then there was the liqueur coffee which I asked for, our Japanese waiter claimed there was no such thing till I pointed it out on the menu, he came back 10 minutes later with a cup of ordinary coffee with a ton of Baileys in it. Absolutely horrid. Told Welsh waiter I not pay for something that revolting. He took it off bill with a smirk (yes I'd had a few too many at that point) The Prawn decided it would be fun to steal a menu and stuffed it down her top, whilst I nicked a whole load of teeny weeny pots of hunny. We are SOOOO Bad!Also Hot
thing Two's trip to the Natural History Museum to sleep with the Dinosaurs. Awesome. Wish I was a Brownie!
Trip to Greenwich for the Observatory, cool markets, Chinese New Year Celebrations and Royal Maritime Museum.
My endeavours into the world of ECo.
In one month I have got a grant for solar panels to go on back of my house, bought a stapleless stapler for work, bought and installed an eco-button for my laptop along with energy saving contraption which sits on the hob of my cooker meaning that I use less gas. But best of all is my ditching of toxic washing powder in favour of eco-balls. They are fab. I also bought a special milk jug and am purching my milk in floppy plastic bags and no longer fill up my recycling bin with huge 4 pint plastic bottles. I'm also growing my own herbs and luffa - hoping to sell the luffas when they grow.
Social life has taken on a life of its own. I've got party invitations coming out of my ears. Have been to so many things and met so many people Why couldn't this have happened when I was younger eh?

Very Hot
My Race Night raised over £600 for the school.
Not Hot.Boiler started dripping and as a consequence I spent Good Friday with my plumber, plumber is cool, she's called Lucy, boiler now fixed but I got a terrible headache. Took paracetamol, but am going to ditch paracetamol for tiger balm. Plumber only charged me £15 for 2 hours of her time, she also fixed my laptop and is buying my car from me. So this should go in Hot area as well.
Not Hot
Secret Lover made an appearance but I no longer interested. Whoop get me. It's so over.Not Hot
Accidently bought Marc Jacobs Daisy body butter instead of the perfume, and Debenhams refuse to exchange, so went to Boots to buy the real thing, slagged Debenhams off, they also slagged Debenhams off, gave me a free bag and stacks of points. Going to sell bag and body butter on e-bay.
Not HotHad Not Hot
The mess in my house is relentless, its making me stressed, neurotic and bad tempered. I dont know anyone else who can pull washing from their washing machine and discover an entire squirrel skeleton in there. Thing Two had put squirrel bones found on rich friends farm in her cardigan pocket and I had washed them. At least they are clean. She has them displayed in her make shift museum under her cabin bed.
Not HotStill no man !! Did meet someone last night but he living with woman who hates him, he declare he love me after only one hour. I am thinking he wants to jump way. What about all my tax credits. Tax credits - freedom. Not giving them up for just anyone. Well not unless they happen to be Richard Gere. Nothing like setting my sights high is there! Seriously, he doesn't have to be Richard Gere. Normal would do. Incidently as a birthday treat to myself I hired the DVD of American gigolo and watched it alone whilst eating chocolate. Heaven
Positively Cold
Took thing two to smallest Shameless's 3rd birthday party. Mrs shameless explained that party running late. All party guests, 10 x 3 year olds sitting on stairs and running riot with frontroom door shut because the football still on and Mr Shameless not let party start till it finish!!!! What a twat! I later heard from thing two that Mr Shameless did lots of very loud swearing at the TV.
Positively Cold
Took thing two to smallest Shameless's 3rd birthday party. Mrs shameless explained that party running late. All party guests, 10 x 3 year olds sitting on stairs and running riot with frontroom door shut because the football still on and Mr Shameless not let party start till it finish!!!! What a twat! I later heard from thing two that Mr Shameless did lots of very loud swearing at the TV.
Bye for now xxx
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