First I've got to mention Oakley or Little O as his parents thought of him. I mentioned last post that he had gone missing, very unfortunately Little O had wandered into something he couldn't get out of and has passed on to cat heaven leaving a very heartbroken family behind him. This is a photo that I picked up on Facebook. How stunning a pusscat was he!! I can see why they are so upset.
Yes, it is 4:14 am and yes I should be asleep but am not. This is down to the fact that my body clock is all over the place, it all started on Tuesday morning when I woke up feeling rather queasy. So queasy that the things had to fend for themselves food and lunchboxwise while I posed ill-like on sofa. That was the beginning of my food poisoning. Been in bed only venturing out occasionally ever since. Have eaten about 4 bits of toast, 3 satsuma oranges, a fish finger sandwich (big mistake) and had a craving for Mcdonalds yesterday (another big mistake). Consumed almost entire bottle of Lucozade today and think thats why I am awake. Love Lucozade though. Do not love fact that entire week has been written off. So hope I feel better in the morning. Now onwards to "stuff occuring". You don't need to leave the house and do stuff to have an entire headful of stuff ot say. We have election fever going on here and everythings a bit escape from it. I've even downloaded both main party's manifesto's. Now I've got a bit of a socialist streak running through me - always have had but am struggling as all party's seem similiar and to be fair - I'm not doing too badly these fact I'm doing rather well. What I'd really like is this and I'm not sure how anyone can deliver it. I'd like our country to be one where you can feed the ducks without being fined £80 for littering, where grandmothers don't get electronically tagged and their sons end up doing community service for selling goldfishes to under 18's sent by spies to catch you out. Where if you strike a deal with a colleague to help each other out with childcare you don't run the risk of being reported to Ofsted and ending up in court for illegal childminding. These are all things that have happened here. There are probably hundreds of other equally incredulous stories out there where these types of things occur daily. We're all so angry, who can quell this anger and where did it come from? Someone deliver a wee bit of harmony- please. Suspect I am asking the impossible.
Talking of anger - I am pretty cross with Thing Two's Teacher. On Friday all the kids in the class (girls mainly I believe) put their names in a hat to do Cheerleading. The teacher couldn't take all of them so this was how it was deemed to be fair. Ok so far. Thing two's name didn't come out of the hat - still ok. Then the only boy chosen announced he didn't want to go so the teacher gave his place to another little boy who put his hand up. Not ok - what happened to the hat system? So off they all trot to do their cheerleading and thing two goes outside for lunchbreak and spends 20 minutes wandering round field trying to find a friend to play with and the next 20 minutes desolate as the realisation sets in that although there were 2 other names left in the hat both of them are off sick. So actually the teacher has chosen everyone in entire class except her. Not happy - am going to write complaint. My other gripe (and yes I'm afraid entire post today is either sad or gripey) is that Thing one has bad attitude to race, and apparently yesterday her father had a big row with mop head (don't get me wrong - she's only called mop head because of her hair - I actually have total respect for his partner) due to his polital discourse toward race. I can only assume he's going to vote BNP. Do not think that this row was one to have infront of impressionable 13 year old. That would be the 13 year old who knows nother of our Empire, our colonisation of countless countries, nothing of the Commonwealth, nothing of the Vietnamese boat people, the Ugandan crisis, of the European Union, of countless other historical factors that explain how people have migrated in and out of the UK. Yes she knows nothing of any of this and I've no faith in her school teaching her any of it either. I am going to ponder on this. How to ensure my children don't become bigots and how to ensure they become compassionate and knowledgeable caring individuals. I wonder if she'd respond to 10 minute history shots on the way to school disguised as lessons for thing two? That might work. It'll have to be good though to combat what he's telling her. It was this that was keeping me awake at 4am and hence post in middle of the night. Now that I'd got it off my chest I might be able to go back to sleep.
Oh the woes of parenthood. Good night. And Whitney and Wayne - I am deeply sorry for your loss.
February, mud and hope
2 weeks ago
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