Sunday, 25 October 2009

A Good weekend...finally!

It's sunday night and I'm watching the X-Factor after a fun packed but exhausting weekend. Last night I went to see the one and only Tom Jones at Wembley arena. Well worth the ticket price, he very very good. But have to say that I would've been happy if he'd just sung Delilah all night long over and over again as that was the one song that lit the whole arena up. Lots of arm waving and dancing. Bar - rip off £4.50 for glass of wine. Didn't stop me drinking it though. Must remember to smuggle some in next time. Ha.
On way home had a hysterical moment. Got chatting to some really nice German girls who's been back packing round Europe and were heading to Stansted to pick up Ryannair flight. Then she says "I have seen lots of people wearing red things on their jackets..what are zay for?" Took a while for me to figure out what she was talking about then Prawn prompted me "She's talking about poppies"
I says "Ah, those, um, um, what they are for it is well um...(I was thinking just spill the beans you boneless pillock) they are to remember the dead servicemen from the 2 World Wars"
"You mean all zee victims of war" she says looking confused
Me "Not exactly, just our soldiers,(decide to change tack) its big business, they made £38 million last year and have a distribution centre the size of a football pitch, the money goes these days to veterans of recent wars and the families of our injured and dead troops who's been in Afghanistan, we have a special day of remembrance as well"
Great relief and embarrassment averted. Phew. I then fell asleep.
Today I have been to Lakeside not for me I might add as I can't stand it there. All that stuff...urgh. I took Thing one and her friend Carrie. Once there I left them to it and went on a big wander on my own, went in Superslug and bought a mud mask but then remembered that you can get a 10% voucher off internet so didn't buy anything else. WEnt in Debenhams and tried every single perfume on and did entire face up out of testers before hitting WH Smith. Spent and entire hour perusing magazines without buying any, started with Christmas mags telling me how to dress my tree in 19 different ways, 101 ways with table settings and how to make penguin sweets etc. Then on to the higher end mags, which just pissed me off then I hit the sensationalist mags...hee hee they give me the biggest pleasure. With headlines like; 'Bullied at school because my parents are jedi warriors', 'I was brought up by kangaroos and now I can't stop hopping', 'I ate shell fish while I was pregant and then gave birth to a lobster', 'I was a suicide bomber now I work for the NHS', 'Jenny can't stop eating, she ate her own leg', 'Read my story Exclusive, I was chopping up carrots and my head fell off - find out how I cope without my body'.
On the downside and there's not much to grumble about today got stuck on M25 for 25 minutes but found a very old orange in my handbag and bizarrely enough it tasted ok. Thing two went to a Brownie sleepover last night - her dad took her and none of her friends turned up so she soo upset she had to go home. Uncle Vic came to put Thing one's wardrobe together and he fixed the mess that Forward Roll made including putting on all the plinths that had been missed off. Whilst he was doing that my mother cleaned my floor but by the time I got home the cat had been sick all over it. It has also munched its way through Thing two's Hob Nobs.
Till next time

Tuesday, 20 October 2009

cats, cakes, traffic wardens

Sooooooo what has today been like? Bundle of laughs, not exactly no. My Mother came to help me clear an area of my front room which has been dumping ground for yonks and we set to clearing it. Rather I held things up and she confirmed my fears that I should put them in landfill. Hate doing that so much. Also she took a suit that I've worn twice and cost £75 to Oxfam. Oh the pain. But its a size 8. Want to cry. Whilst doing this exercise Lily the new cat decided that the Wedding Cake that my Mother had brought round for me to ice and that was on the kitchen worktop unattended would make a nice snack. My mothers face went from happyish to stricken in split second. The words lead balloon spring to mind. Tried to lesson mortification by telling her that it was nothing compared to what happened to my mother in laws 60th birthday cake that had been left in my care for all of 24 hours. This did nothing to alleviate things. Told her we would patch it up and pretend it never happened but she insistant that we put some sort of marking on the eaten bit so that person cutting cake and giving it out knows which bit is dodgy. groan. Immediately after this little episode I headed of on school run, got to stupid school to see army of traffic wardens along front of school and all the way up the side. Heavy congestion everywhere due to fact that about 200 cars all arriving to collect children and traffic idyits not allowing anyone to stop. Car park full and duputy head not letting anyone in. Had moment of madness and decided to dig heels in. Stopped in middle of road in front of 2 traffic morons and refused to move point blank. Just sat there and sat there holding up all traffic in front and behind, they say I causing obstruction I say not, I just here to pick up child and where else was I meant to go. I then pulled in front of gates and refused to move till deputy head let me in...which he did ....eventually. Lots and lots and lots of cars all hooting...can't imagine why???

Will elaborate on the Froll situation. On saturday after I'd had a wicked night in the Purple Emporer with the Prawn I went to Hertford to collect Froll who had offered to put up Thing one's new furniture due to ex-husband in mourning over loss of close friend...thats another sad tale. Now when I collected Froll I was dead pleased and most happy but by time I dropped him back on sunday I'd just about had Froll up to eyeballs. Why...was it that he picked all the courgettes out of the lasagne that I cooked him? Was it the body odour - he clearly not wear deodorant? Was it that he used the cereal bowl that thing two had left in garden as an ashtray? Was it that he put the FUCKING drawer fronts on WONKY? Was it that he told me he thought I was most beautiful woman Ever? (incidently I like it the first time he said it but after hearing it 75 times it started wearing a bit thin) Was it the fact that he bought 2 bottles of wine and drank one and half of them himself leaving me sober and him pissed as a fart? Was it that he not watch film but talked all way through it and kept staring at me and asking me if I ok? Was it that he kept me awake all night I continually had to keep asking him to remove his poxy leg off my stomach? Was it that on date two he'd fixed it up for us to a)go running together b) go to Dirty Dancing as my christmas present c) go to Cape Verde d) go to an auction together to buy my next car d)have a week on his yacht with my children down the Thames even though I told him they not get on he assured me they would love it (noooo they would hate it sooooooooo much) e) that he would valet my car f)we would do something special together over christmas g) can't remember but there was more. Or was it that he kept helping himself to my mouth wash but due to his dyslexia he not read label that states quite clearly Shake to Activate (its dentadyl and it comes in two parts) so he just swilling the clove oil round in his mouth - and ended up smelling of sausage rolls. OH God it horrendous. Or was it that he kept helping himself to my fags, smoking about a third of one, putting it out and throwing it away. I guess I could cope with one or two of these things but not all of them at me in one go. There was lots of other stuff as well, but these are just the ones that spring to mind right now. So last night when he called me (OOOPs just remembered another one. He phoned his little boy and put on the campest high pitched voice I ever heard come from human being...don't ask me why but that major turn off.) ah yes last night when he called I told him I not sure what problem was, that I not able to put my finger on it but I not feeling right about us. When pressed I told him he come on too strong and it too much. He not impressed and say he delete me from phone. But he did thank me for letting him know early on. Hoooooray.
Thats all for now folks.

Monday, 19 October 2009

Another one bites the dust

I seem to be permanently a week behind on my blog entries and have a huge chunk of summer missing. Some of the highlights were to do with Michael, a party with a naked woman on a motorbike, the guys that I met round the bonfire who took me to their garden to show me their courgettes, insulting the shameless family, the Prawn and her IT department blocking her from using her e-mail account at work due to the Swedish Porn and countless other events which I may never get round to logging for future reference.
But I will backtrack to last friday, not the one just gone but the one before when the Prawn and I went to Hertford for a night on the Prowl, that would the night I wore my control knickers and looked a bit like rod Stewart. After asking my exhusband where was best place to go with lots of men he directed us to The Barge where I sat on a bar stool and met very nice man, who had a yacht, was single and rather nice. Within a few minutes him and his friends were escorting us to a club called Decco where we all got on famously, they bought all our drinks and we danced. The young man in question told me he loved to dance and that he'd been to stage school and that music ran through his blood and that he tended to get a bit carried away...he not kidding! But when he did a forward roll across the dance floor, got told off by the bouncers and I could barely stay standing cos my legs were threatening to buckle under me due to hysterical giggling I decided not to hold it against him, in fact in light of the Hitler episode still very fresh in my mind I figured it was a good thing. He shall be known from now on as forward roll or froll for short. So, me and froll got on so well that I decided to accept offer of date and we swapped numbers. In fact when the Prawn and I got home we decided that forward rolls were literally the way forward and did them across her living room floor in drunken fashion till the early hours of the morning when we collapsed with exhausted mirth and then woke with raging headaches and slutty smeared makeup faces. Best way to wake on a saturday morning. I just have to say that her forward rolls were far superior to mine. Mine ended mostly with me on my back like a very huge starfish in very tight leggings.
So, Froll and I went on a date to Loch Fine which is a really fancy new fish restaurant, we both had the seabass. And I came home on cloud nine. Full of hope and a warm fuzzy feeling that maybe just maybe this could be IT.
to be continued ....... xxx

Friday, 16 October 2009

Over rover.

Yipp yippy doooo It’s Friday AGAIN. How quick did that turn up.
I was going to publish transcript of the final conversation that I had with Secret Lover. Of course it is rather private but on the other hand I really do not ever want to forget what he said. It’s a bit like childbirth, our brains forget the pain and then we only go and do it all over again. So here it is in fully gory detail. This was all done by text, which accounts for it being particularly inarticulate by both parties, but it wouldn’t matter how you put this argument. Every word of it screams complete and utter ignorance, racism, inability to stick to the point, or string a meaningful argument together along with a total misunderstanding of History, the world we live in and the terrorism that we all face. Oh and he has a seriously overinflated ego. This all began after I told him I was disgusted by his choice of hero and not to bother contacting me again.

Him: "Ok that’s fine. God forbid someone to have a difference in of opinion to you! Thought you were smart enough to see that not everything is black and white."
Me: 28 million dead civilians caused by a psychopath is pretty black and white to me
Him: How many innocent people have the Muslims already killed? How many will they kill? If we had a modern day Hitler it wouldn’t happen he wouldn't let it
Me: I put Osama on the same lvl as Hitler
Him: He’s gutless and he hides away! Hitler didn't
Me: R u making that point in defence of Hitler
Him: I'm not defending what he did! I'm saying he stood up for his nation and what he believed in. Almost English person would love to be rid of the Muslims and for us to have our country back.
Me: He wasn’t even German he was Austrian and he wasn't just about ridding the Jews. He wanted world domination and the perfect race. Yr nephew wd not have faired too well. He blamed the Jews for Germany's crisis when in fact Germany was merely paying the price 4 starting and losing ww1. I do understand what you are saying about standing up 4 yr country but admiring a monster for whatever reason is beyond my comprehension. If I had known this before it would have been a lot more difficult to love you
Him: The world is full of sheep all following each other with no idea where they want to go! I am not a sheep and I am able to think outside the box not many people can do that
Me: Baaaaa baaaaa bleet bleet (not really). I actually said nothing whatsoever
Him: You can't love people who just agree with you that’s where you go wrong! I don’t agree with things you say but I respect your opinion. Anyway it don’t matter now I hope u meet someone and are very happy
Me: No but I cd not be wiv someone who's beliefs were so different from mine. Now go away and leave me b.
Of course am just very relieved that I have not been shagging a sheep although I think I might have noticed. Wolf in Sheep’s clothing more like. He's stark raving bonkers.

This is all a bit heavy for a friday so now I'm going to put it behind me and have brill weekend with nice man that I met in Hertford last week. Details of our meeting are yet to follow.... stay posted.
Minty xx

Friday, 9 October 2009

Friday, tails and Hitler

Yippppeee it's friday and I'm about to go out after eventful week. Tonight I have finally given in and got some leggings, well they're jeggings actually, suspect I look a bit like Rod Stewart but this is what people wear (well teenagers actually). I have also borrowed thing one's straighteners and her necklace that she got out of Primark. Shame my hair appointment not till Monday.
I am much deserving of night out after seriously acrimonious split with Secret Lover, I wasn't going to say what his revelation was as I would be too ashamed to say it if it were me but he unrepentant and we have had considerable arguement over it all done by text. So if thinks its ok to think like that then he wont mind me publishing it will he? What happened was when we got up on saturday he was singing if I ruled the world and I muttered under my breath. "if you ruled the world we'd all be in trouble" after a few minutes of telling me what he'd do to make it a better place he announced that Hitler was one of his greatest heroes. I had no idea how I was going to react and I reacted rather badly, evoked huge amount of feeling in me. By the time ~I'd driven away any affection I had had drained out of me, weird. It was actually a physical thing. Anyway, it's over, I have a transcript of a text session which I will publish next week. Just to remind myself..lest I forget and are tempted to start seeing him again. Don't suppose he's ever been dumped on moral grounds but hopefully he will realise that his opinions can turn people against him.
Other main event of week was to do with the gerbils. I was downstairs when I heard this shriek and after running up stairs I was greeted with tearful thing two cradling small gerbil with tail missing. Tail was down loo and all that was left of it was long thin exposed bone, it had literally fallen off like a glove. Blood everywhere, she'd tried to wash it in the sink. Thought I might faint but after phoning ex husband turns out this is normal. WEll wonders never cease do they! Our world is indeed a strange place.
mint xx

Saturday, 3 October 2009

Grrr Get me outta this mess

Happy Saturday morning!
I am sat with my mother, we are shortly going to the church to have the new cat blessed. This morning I got up at 7:30 and went and got Lily a little cat carrier, a heart shaped bowl and a red velvet collar with diamonte studs on it. Am most looking forward to event. My mothers boyfriend has just put up my new blinds....was supposed to having new flooring put down in thing one's room but it hasn't arrived. I have decorated her room. This act came very close to total diaster when my mother came to help and we decided (I decided) to cover up the outline of the pink flowers on thing ones wallpaper before we painted it pink. So, I did the coving and handed my mother tin of undercoat, at no point did she tell me she was painting gloss undercoat onto my emulsion walls!!!!! So, you can imagine my surprise when after I painted it pink it was covered in giant darker pink spots where the emulsion had't been absorbed. I just stood there open moutheed staring in horror at total mess! Then we kind of fell about and I laughed hysterically, well it was either tht or cry. Today I am feeling somewhat out of sorts. Last night I went out with Secret Lover and stayed at his house last night. We had a really wicked night out..but this marred this morning when he made a revelation which turned my heart to stone. Not sure whether to reveal it in here. I personally would be ashamed to say what he said..let alone think it. It goes against the grain of any compassionate person. Anyone with an anounce of decency would not think that way and would think the entire opposite. I am appalled and not sure what to do. In fact I am withdrawing my support in all ways and would rather drink my own vomit through a straw than spend one more minute with him...I am that disgusted. So actually I do know what to I've just said it. To tell him or not..that is the question. Perhaps I will simply pull back and cease to communicate. I am sure that he can live without me quite happily.
mint xx
Ps it is now 4 hours since writing the above. The time finally came to tke the cat to the church. Do you think I could find cat. Hell no. Cat vanished. GGGGGGR. Even more pissed off. Cat has since reappeared sopping wet. Cat not blessed.
Minty x