Yippppeee it's friday and I'm about to go out after eventful week. Tonight I have finally given in and got some leggings, well they're jeggings actually, suspect I look a bit like Rod Stewart but this is what people wear (well teenagers actually). I have also borrowed thing one's straighteners and her necklace that she got out of Primark. Shame my hair appointment not till Monday.
I am much deserving of night out after seriously acrimonious split with Secret Lover, I wasn't going to say what his revelation was as I would be too ashamed to say it if it were me but he unrepentant and we have had considerable arguement over it all done by text. So if thinks its ok to think like that then he wont mind me publishing it will he? What happened was when we got up on saturday he was singing if I ruled the world and I muttered under my breath. "if you ruled the world we'd all be in trouble" after a few minutes of telling me what he'd do to make it a better place he announced that Hitler was one of his greatest heroes. I had no idea how I was going to react and I reacted rather badly, evoked huge amount of feeling in me. By the time ~I'd driven away any affection I had had drained out of me, weird. It was actually a physical thing. Anyway, it's over, I have a transcript of a text session which I will publish next week. Just to remind myself..lest I forget and are tempted to start seeing him again. Don't suppose he's ever been dumped on moral grounds but hopefully he will realise that his opinions can turn people against him.
Other main event of week was to do with the gerbils. I was downstairs when I heard this shriek and after running up stairs I was greeted with tearful thing two cradling small gerbil with tail missing. Tail was down loo and all that was left of it was long thin exposed bone, it had literally fallen off like a glove. Blood everywhere, she'd tried to wash it in the sink. Thought I might faint but after phoning ex husband turns out this is normal. WEll wonders never cease do they! Our world is indeed a strange place.
mint xx
February, mud and hope
2 weeks ago
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