Yipp yippy doooo It’s Friday AGAIN. How quick did that turn up.
I was going to publish transcript of the final conversation that I had with Secret Lover. Of course it is rather private but on the other hand I really do not ever want to forget what he said. It’s a bit like childbirth, our brains forget the pain and then we only go and do it all over again. So here it is in fully gory detail. This was all done by text, which accounts for it being particularly inarticulate by both parties, but it wouldn’t matter how you put this argument. Every word of it screams complete and utter ignorance, racism, inability to stick to the point, or string a meaningful argument together along with a total misunderstanding of History, the world we live in and the terrorism that we all face. Oh and he has a seriously overinflated ego. This all began after I told him I was disgusted by his choice of hero and not to bother contacting me again.
Him: "Ok that’s fine. God forbid someone to have a difference in of opinion to you! Thought you were smart enough to see that not everything is black and white."
Me: 28 million dead civilians caused by a psychopath is pretty black and white to me
Him: How many innocent people have the Muslims already killed? How many will they kill? If we had a modern day Hitler it wouldn’t happen he wouldn't let it
Me: I put Osama on the same lvl as Hitler
Him: He’s gutless and he hides away! Hitler didn't
Me: R u making that point in defence of Hitler
Him: I'm not defending what he did! I'm saying he stood up for his nation and what he believed in. Almost English person would love to be rid of the Muslims and for us to have our country back.
Me: He wasn’t even German he was Austrian and he wasn't just about ridding the Jews. He wanted world domination and the perfect race. Yr nephew wd not have faired too well. He blamed the Jews for Germany's crisis when in fact Germany was merely paying the price 4 starting and losing ww1. I do understand what you are saying about standing up 4 yr country but admiring a monster for whatever reason is beyond my comprehension. If I had known this before it would have been a lot more difficult to love you
Him: The world is full of sheep all following each other with no idea where they want to go! I am not a sheep and I am able to think outside the box not many people can do that
Me: Baaaaa baaaaa bleet bleet (not really). I actually said nothing whatsoever
Him: You can't love people who just agree with you that’s where you go wrong! I don’t agree with things you say but I respect your opinion. Anyway it don’t matter now I hope u meet someone and are very happy
Me: No but I cd not be wiv someone who's beliefs were so different from mine. Now go away and leave me b.
Of course am just very relieved that I have not been shagging a sheep although I think I might have noticed. Wolf in Sheep’s clothing more like. He's stark raving bonkers.
This is all a bit heavy for a friday so now I'm going to put it behind me and have brill weekend with nice man that I met in Hertford last week. Details of our meeting are yet to follow.... stay posted.
Minty xx
February, mud and hope
2 weeks ago
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