I seem to be permanently a week behind on my blog entries and have a huge chunk of summer missing. Some of the highlights were to do with Michael, a party with a naked woman on a motorbike, the guys that I met round the bonfire who took me to their garden to show me their courgettes, insulting the shameless family, the Prawn and her IT department blocking her from using her e-mail account at work due to the Swedish Porn and countless other events which I may never get round to logging for future reference.
But I will backtrack to last friday, not the one just gone but the one before when the Prawn and I went to Hertford for a night on the Prowl, that would the night I wore my control knickers and looked a bit like rod Stewart. After asking my exhusband where was best place to go with lots of men he directed us to The Barge where I sat on a bar stool and met very nice man, who had a yacht, was single and rather nice. Within a few minutes him and his friends were escorting us to a club called Decco where we all got on famously, they bought all our drinks and we danced. The young man in question told me he loved to dance and that he'd been to stage school and that music ran through his blood and that he tended to get a bit carried away...he not kidding! But when he did a forward roll across the dance floor, got told off by the bouncers and I could barely stay standing cos my legs were threatening to buckle under me due to hysterical giggling I decided not to hold it against him, in fact in light of the Hitler episode still very fresh in my mind I figured it was a good thing. He shall be known from now on as forward roll or froll for short. So, me and froll got on so well that I decided to accept offer of date and we swapped numbers. In fact when the Prawn and I got home we decided that forward rolls were literally the way forward and did them across her living room floor in drunken fashion till the early hours of the morning when we collapsed with exhausted mirth and then woke with raging headaches and slutty smeared makeup faces. Best way to wake on a saturday morning. I just have to say that her forward rolls were far superior to mine. Mine ended mostly with me on my back like a very huge starfish in very tight leggings.
So, Froll and I went on a date to Loch Fine which is a really fancy new fish restaurant, we both had the seabass. And I came home on cloud nine. Full of hope and a warm fuzzy feeling that maybe just maybe this could be IT.
to be continued ....... xxx
February, mud and hope
2 weeks ago
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