Almost Christmas and as usual life is up and down, good bits are that Thing two and I did a nativity re-enactment in the front room the other night on account of her not taking part in one at school, we have also made kimono paper people, and have been watching Kirstie Allsops homemade Christmas on TV and now have big plans in the soap and embroidered napkin department.
On the downside last weekend sent the scales tipping downwards till they were touching the ground and floundering in the mud. Woke up Saturday Am to whingeing thing two, my mother was coming to take her to the town for tea and cakes and her last phone words to me were “make sure she’s ready”. Failed by 10am in the morning. My mother turned up and thing two was still prancing round unfed, unkempt and in pyjamas, had enormous kerfuffle to get her ready whereby my mother kept threatening to go home if she not get ready, thing two having tantrums and rolling round whilst I wave toast and dress over her head. Totally lost it and told them both to get out whilst holding open front door. I then went to ready myself for big much anticipated night out in Covent Garden with the Prawn and her work colleagues aka Harlow Fire brigade. Discovered that new top smelt like moth balls so had to hang on line as no time to wash blessed thing. Thing one and I had massive row as I cooked fry up for myself and had not finished it when thing one want lift to town, was halfway through explaining that she should call friends and I would get her there in ten minutes just as soon as my mother and thing two come back. Thing one went berserk and said unthinkable things to me so she grounded, left her sobbing into pillow screaming obscenities and wailing profusely. My mother then returned from town in full social worker mode and said we needed to discuss very serious matters which we did at length, she want to know what I going to do about it..I unplug modem and tell her to take it home for 6 months. Eventually I got shot of everyone and completed getting ready. Literally jumped up and down with joy at being able to get on train and have night out. Unfortunately it not to be my weekend. Pulled into Liverpool Street and hit The Hamilton, nice pub, high ceilings, had glass of wine each, so far so good, she has another glass of wine I have a vodka and coke, so far so good, her work mates arrive, I have coffee she has another glass of wine, I ok, she on floor in loos completely pissed. I had had big fry up she had had bowl of porridge 5 hours previous. Hmmmmm. Spent rest of time talking to her work colleagues whilst passing soft drinks under door of her loo telling her to try and puke and then we could go, not to Belgo’s in covent Garden as planned but to MacDonald’s to sober her up with hideous cheeseburgers. She refuse to come out of loos till boss gone. She lay on cold floor long time. MacDonald’s quite welcome distraction.
Really really pissed off. Went to Covent Garden to shit pub, did not even see market. Even more pissed off. Home in bed by 10:30.
Had date following morning with Greg – primary school teacher, very nice man but no appeal whatsoever, except that he buy me bracelet from shop we went in oh and some cake and coffee. He rather small, weathered and had blown pupil. Not school student but literally something wrong with eye. Didn’t like to ask what happen to it, seemed rather rude, but think he should have mentioned it. It’s important.
Came home and had awkward scene with ex husband, he accuse me of burning roast potatoes, and that things had said I always burn them. Think he big tosser. Told him some home truths later on in evening. You’d think with all the things going on such as thing one’s exclusion and thing two’s spectacularly weird behaviour he could've kept his big gob shut about the potatoes. I can just hear it now.
Him “So thing one, why have you been bullying people at school then?”
Her “It’s mum, she burns the potatoes all the time, it’s awful, and she makes us eat them”
Him” I see, so thing two, you seem a bit unhappy at the moment, mummy says you wont do what you’re told”
Her “It’s her, her cooking is rank, she burns my potatoes too!!! Please talk to her about it Dad, make it go away.”
Him “with pleasure, here have a bag of crisps and a kit kat”.
I've got another weekend about to commence. It's going to be a good one...perhaps.
Incidently, I DO NOT burn potatoes. xx
February, mud and hope
2 weeks ago
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