Happy New Years Eve. A most poignant time of year for me. It was exactly 10 years ago to the time and date that I was contemplating spending the Millenium on my own with a 3 year old for company whilst my husband went to a party. This was even before the event a bone of contention and afterwards it always popped into my head like a huge resounding bell hollering the words to me "This aint right - this isn't the way it was supposed to be. This is not what you signed up for. This is not the way a good marriage works". Not that I want to dwell on it but watching the world celebrate alone with a candle, a box of chocolates and the TV is never a good way to start a decade. But now I have another shot at it. At the beginning of the week the Prawn said to me "Fancy doing something on NYE, maybe go to Steve's pub if I can wrangle an sleepover invite or my local has free roast spuds and karaoke", now this past decade I've resigned myself to dull family parties where everyone is over 60 or the local pantomime but this offer of company seemed to good to miss so I got a babysitter. This morning however she sent me a text that says this "Just got your text. Hav accepted offer of dinner out with Steve as didn't think you had sitter. Hope u find something to do. Chilli man said asked after you and said to say hi". Now, what do you make of that then? Defeated I am not. I am going out with Leggy Laine, who is Rachel Hunter lookalike and we're gonna rip the town up. But I must analyse what has happened. Now ex husband wouldn't give me an answer straight away - 0 points to him, but 0 points to me for not insisting he commit. Lesson learned - don't be so vague and easily fobbed off. So in her haste not to be alone she potentially left me alone without even my children for company.
So...am popping a bottle of bubbly in the fridge, am going to stick some individual lashes on and start the year/decade as I mean to go on.
You may have noticed that I've made some big changes to blog, blog is trusted friend and blog deserves a makeover. It has gone all according to plan - the last post's text background is wrong colour and I can't get it back how it should be, still can't post links either and don't like header - tis big learning curve. Am going to master html.
Let me know what you think in the comments box which is now open for comments and doesn't require notification.
Wishing you all the best on this prolific night of the year.
Mint xx
ps Secret Lover just phoned me to wish me a Happy New Year. Wasn't expecting that....and whats more its made me very happy and I know it shouldn't but it has x
February, mud and hope
2 weeks ago
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