Sunday, 27 December 2009

What's Hot and What's Not

I'm trying something new conjunction with another blog which I've been peeking at for a while now. I'd describe it as porn for Mums, especially harrassed mums. In fact the other blog is of great inspiration to me. I post link in a mo. Basically, every wednesday, although today is sunday so I'm out of sync, she does a post called what's hot and what's not. So I'm joining in. I'm hoping that my Whats hot turns out to be bigger than my What's not hot list. If thats how it goes then I know this week has been a success. So here goes.

What's Hot

Loobylu blog of course. yet to work out how to do it as a link.)

Christingle - Christmas Eve at the Church in High Wych - so much better than the chaos of St Mary's at Churchgate Street last year

Christmas Day - great success - everything went well. Can't believe I'm writing this - this is so not the ususal. See snaps of table setting and tree and of course the new cat. Cat showed signs of confusion during present opening session.

Boxing Day - spent entire day festering on Prawns sofa whilst she served endless hot and cold party food accompanied by glass after glass of wine and then watched my favourite dvd 'Eyes wide shut'. As usual spent first half of film marvelling that director had managed to make Tom appear as tall as Nicole and speculating on height of shoes he must be wearing. Oh and think that he standing on box most of time.

Got a Wii Fit Plus for Christmas - I think this is good - it still in box.

The Things are behaving - but its only a matter of time.

Bought gorgeous black outfit in sales and stacks of stuff for thing two.

What's not hot
Arriving over an hour early at Christingle as someone told me it gets packed solid. This is a fabrication - it not packed at all and me and girls ended up spending an entire hour in company of just the vicar in coldish church surrounded by dozens of boxes of oranges.

Am now feeling like oversided rhino due to over indulgence especially on Boxing Day. Also went to the Sales today and saw old friend who I had acrimonious fall out with and became positively paranoid as she had strange smile/smirk on face. Concluded that she was smug that she thin and I'm not (I was when she last saw me), That she had nice coat on and mine resembled that of Michelin man. Have now vowed to only wear figure hugging jacket and am relegating warm coat to underbed. Actually - I rethink this. Not that vain. Am getting coat back out from underbed. No way I going to be cold. Don't care if I size of bus.

House resembles rubbish tip, all but my bedroom, so am retreating to this small enclave of order. Will have to sort it but am putting it off as long as possible.

Ran out of bread Christmas Eve and arrived just as Sainsbury's shut and had to watch last minute shoppers coming out with arms full of huge bouquets of flowers that Sainsbury's were giving away at 10p a hit. grrrrr...could've done with some of them and some bread of course....that would have been particularly good.

Slippers purchased for my mother and thing two turned out to be too small. So my mother nicked mine all day christmas day. Had cold feet. But hey - wasn't that kind of me.

Have had several moments of really missing Secret Lover - but there is no way I going back to that stupid man even if if is Christmas. Doubt he'd entertain me anyway unless I promised something spectacularly special and quite frankly I do not have the energy.

Well now that I've completed this, it is totally clear that I seem to gleam more pleasure from reporting traumas and things that go a wee bit wrong. Thats ok - I go with the flow... especially if it more interesting.

Till next time x

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