Yesterday I was sitting at work when my phone rang and it was the pupil support unit from Thing one's school, I was summoned to attend a meeting as Thing one had 'done something' clearly something unforgivable and worthy of an entire day in the special holding unit for pests. I think they call it off timetable but what it means is being kept under close supervision. So off I trotted at the allocated time where I was subjected to 45 minute lecture from head teacher and pupil support man about the dangers of the internet, cyberbullying which all began with head teacher explaining to me about Facebook and why it started (she reckons it was for families that found themselves miles apart - this is complete bollocks, it was created with students in mind.) She then progressed to texts (created apparently for the sole use of BT engineers) and then they produced evidence of thing one's inappropriate bullying behaviour on bits of photocopied a4. Sadly, it came as no surprise. They then proceeded to tell me how much damage had been done to Thing one's victim...before explaining that the police may be involved and that ultimately it my responsibility - not sure if they meant fault or responsibility. Anyway, I wont bore with all details and I certainly not condone thing ones bullying but I gotta say it was rather over the top. Thing one was then called in and was read the riot act and has been excluded for two days, these two days to be carried out in special naughty unit where 6 little criminals (that what it felt like) sit in small room facing front in silence being given copious amounts of tedious work to do. Their day is extended at beginning and end of school. Found it all rather traumatic and heart sinking. Thing one was white as ghost and looked horrifed by proceedings and protested that she not the only one calling the victim RAT SHIT. Not nice. Tried to get hold of ex-husband but he'd gone to bloody Gloucester. I have said that Facebook and MSN is off limits for 6 months. Deleted MSN off laptop but it keeps coming back - just can't get shot of it. grrrr. Upon collecting thing two from school she announces that her teacher wants to talk to me cos she'd called another girl a bitch. Well thats just great that is. Thing one has suddenly developed obsession with her German homework site - yeah right. Keep trying to catch her accessing forbidden sites but she too quick for me and clicks off them as soon as I get within 3 feet. I just deactivated her FB account - she not know yet.. am expecting ruptions and big tantrum.
HAve visited thing two's teacher - run out of energy to protest or even discuss to much length.
Spent entire evening last night plotting relocation to Dubai, found perfect school for girls, the Cambridge Academy for girls, which follows British curriculum, found gorgeous 3 bed pad half way up giant glistening tower in Sport City with communal gardens, sauna, olympic swimming pool and gym. And get this! I could actually afford it if I sold my house. Schools fees might pose a bit of problem - but hey this is only a dream anyway so I might as well get carried away. Then dreamt about job in custom pub which is on notice board at work which also happens to be beyond my experience and qualifications but it was a lovely dream. Just think, my girls would skip entire alcohol thing out there. Drugs would be pretty hard to come by too. Amazing work ethic. Crime rate spectacularly low and the beach and shops at the weekend. Worth working towards.
I guess things all balance themselves out -the night before disaster struck thing one cooked the family meal, which was so nice. She made fajitas with fried chicken, onion and peppers and salsa. She laid it all out on table for us to help ourselves. I very very pleased and had gone to bed thinking how wonderful she was. Ultimately no matter what they do I will still think they wonderful creatures.
mint x
February, mud and hope
2 weeks ago
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