Survived New Years Eve. Bizarre thing happened first thing in the morning. Two of my neighbours knocked and said they had no power. My house was the only house in the street all day with electricity. I did offer several neighbours opportunity to get ready for their evenings in my house, use my kettle, my oven etc but they all declined. Can't believe how lucky I am. Thank you God. It was during this time that Secret Lover called, which I did mention in previous post. He said he was calling to wish me a Happy New Year and to check I ok, although he said he knew I OK as I always OK and I bomb proof. Bomb proof eh? I resilent chic. I'm not really, I just give a good impression of one. Secret Lover and I, well I can't put my finger on it but we seem to have unbreakable bond. Think we just talk for now....we have some major differences.
Spent afternoon gluing individual lashes on. Some of them are still attached but most keep landing in sink, on pillow, in dinner. Then went out and had wicked night out with the Lainey Chick. Photo's are on other laptop, will download tomorrow. Lainey Chick and I consumed entire bottle of bubbly before going to The Chequers where there was a DJ, a buffet, her sister and her sisters friends. Could not distinguish between any of them, they all seem to have same styled black hair, short black dresses, high heels, very long lashes. They like clones. Not an awful lot of attractive men all bar one who we named number 8, (8 out of 10) but I attract the attention of other man with nice smile (Tony). Got exceptionally tipsy (not obliterated - that would simply not be goddesslike!) Tony had a cigar (very cheap one by the look of it) and he suggested that I take a puff on it at Midnight which I agreed to do, and did actually do, also agreed to go out with him and even gave him a kiss, exchanged numbers, he nice enough man but not setting my world on fire - just the cigar. BUT when I got back on the dancefloor number 8 made beeline for me and we had a very lively and intimate dance. Whey hey. Number 8 far more attractive than Tony...hmmm. Unfortunately Tony watching all this and when I went back to speak to him less than ten minutes later he say "Why would I want to talk to you, I see you snogging that guy!" So I said "K" and walked away. Bloody cheek though, he'd spent his evening with another lady till he hooked up with me at midnight AND I did not snog anyone AND I do not remember agreeing to be in an exclusive relationship with total stranger on the only NYE in 13 years that I've been in a position to have fun. And fun is what I planning on having this decade/year for ever more. No one on this planet is going to tell me who I can and can't dance with. Not now, not any time soon. Tony can stuff his date. Stayed at Lainey Chic's house and she made me breakfast in bed next morning. So glad I went out with her she really good fun and very nice with it.
Mint xx
PS Having looked at the photos from NYE Number 8 has been renamed number 5.
PPS Thing one who is still only 13 had whole load of alcohol whilst at her Dads. I very very unhappy about this and plan to tackle him when time is right. Teenagers and alcohol do not mix!!!!
February, mud and hope
2 weeks ago
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