What's Hot on Wednesday 13th January
Certainly not the weather!
In true Let's be Adored spirit (actually I was bored stupid and had nothing better to do but it does say in the How to be Adored book that being charitable is cool - think Angelina Jolie) I have organised a race night for Thing Two's school - gonna raise some cash for not sure what but it'll be good anyway.
Hot is that I made a start on my new dress with the help of my mother, who supervised. I did take a photo of it but for some weird and wonderful reason all that's on my camera card are photo's of thing one in various poses. Odd that.
I purchased the book on the left when I bought my sewing machine in the summer and can't stop looking at it...it's fabulous for beginners and goes into sew (he he) much detail.
I have also had some dentisty, which will ultimately give me a better smile, but mouth feels like I got spikes digging into lower lip..which is exactly what I've got...spikes. So that's a double edged sword as well...isn't it all?
Hot is that Thing one and thing two both have lovely new haircuts. Took them both to what I describe as boutique salons..where all the stylists are 22 and have purple hair in same haircut...where everything is shiny and smells like a cross between a mango and a banana with some jasmine chucked in for good measure and the mirrors actually make you look good as opposed to those in Next and New Look which make me look so bad I want to run screaming into the street shrieking there's an alien in my changing room!!
Hot is that someone knocked on my door in the middle of the night (I know this sounds positively cold - but it might have been HIM) I didn't answer it but heard a car drive away a few minutes later.
Hot is my latest read Life of Pi, only on page 50 but am hooked already.
Not Hot
Is the earthquake in Haiti - so utterly dreadful, any little gripes I have pale into insignificance compared to how those poor people have been dealt such a cruel blow to their already difficult lives.
I am missing HIM like you wouldn't believe...the night that the knock came I cried myself to sleep...pathetic to be pining for that fascist but he's in my heart and I just can't help it.
That's it...the weather seems to have ground us all to a halt and there's nothing much going on but IT. Am staying indoors doing stuff I wouldn't normally do - such as downloading music and embedding ipods into my blog..not something I'd have time for ordinarily. And a good playlist it is I thinks though one song woulda done the job - you'd have to hang around on MintDelight for a long long time to hear whole lot.
I so hope to write something more exiting next time...
February, mud and hope
2 weeks ago
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