And what a beautiful morning it is too. I am extremely excited because today I received a letter from a long lost cousin, she went to Canada when I was 15 and I haven't seen her since, anyway she has told me that my Aunt Beryl has passed away and that she has left me an island in the middle of a Lake!!! Imagine that. It's got a 6 bedroomed house, with a jetty that goes out over the lake, a private speedboat, hot tub and all mod cons. There is also some cash and I've just investigated and there is a book publishers in the nearest town along with an all girls school and other fabulous attractions. So, I'm off. Soon as possible. Can't wait to get there. I've booked my tickets and will be having a leaving party very soon. All to be invited.
Talking about enormous houses Thing Two got invited to a party on saturday, my ex husband took her and told me the size of it was ridiculous etc and he wasn't kidding either. When I arrived it took ages to get through the electric gates and then there was room for 20 cars in their own private car park, which is monitored by no less than 4 cctv cameras operated on giant screens from the kitchen. The mum invited me in and it was pretty chaotic so I went in search of thing two and actually got lost! I found myself in the Disney room, which was pretty amazing and that lead into the jukebox room which had old fashioned rocking horses, 2 Wurlizers and tons of other enormous memorobilia. I could also see that there was a room dedicated to CD's and DVD's and that was only a tiny part of the house. Wow. How the other half live. I then waited in the car park for 20 minutes to escape as so many other mums had all blocked me in. They really ought to get proper lines painted on their car park. When I move into my lake house I am so going to have lines in my car park.
minty xx
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