Had a nice adventure out of town on Tuesday, we went to Centerparcs. Found it rather nice..much better than expected, had been filled with intrepidation that might be extortionately expensive...not too bad. On arrival things and Michelle's things (we went with Michelle - separate cars) went to sweet shop and purchased for cost of £1.50 each a sherbet tube..that was all they could afford. I did take photo of offending tube but it not come out...conspiracy of centerparcs...all photos of expensive items self destruct in camera. They went off to play in park whilst Michelle andI had hour long coffee break. Hooray. She had a coffee mocha and I opted for regular coffee at half the price which gave me refills.. ha ha...can't help myself, been brainwashed by thrifty book. Coffee consumed we headed for Tropical Paradise swimming pool. Very hot and humid in there, felt quite faint at first. Full of very pale british people all slightly overweight, ony to be expected. Discovered lots of slides, went down big tubey slide with thing two, slid underwater and surfaced with feeling that I'd swalled 12 razorblades. Aaargh. Horrid swimming pooly feeling. Retreated to seats and comfort from pink towel then stuffed face with ryvitas and houmous. Am creature of habit. Also took dip in whirlpool, lasted exactly 15 seconds in there, before leaping out shrieking "oh my eyes, my eyes" actually in reality I was more discreet, it like sitting in bubbling heated chlorine/eyewatering acid. Then found hot wall.It's heated to 40degrees and you stand against it looking like total lemon. After tropical pool experience took things and Ellie on a pedalo, argued with my things for the entire 30 minutes about who will steer and who will pedal and where we should pedalling to. Must have made entertaining listening to all other pedalo occupants, who were gently wafting round lake. Exhausting. Was glad when that over. Had big lake walk. Saw hundreds of rabbits..ah. Villas that people stay in were bit of surprise. Not exactly villas, more like sixties prefabs. Then as you will see from photos we all bundled onto giant spinning swing. Much fun and frolics in playground before heading to Cafe Rouge for appalling service but really good value and very very nice Breton Poulet. Final act of day was spending lots of time roaming car park in small groups trying to find blessed cars, yelling occasionally, "you found it yet? or where are ya?" into darkness. Perfect day out...fell into deepest slumber ever once home only to be awoken by ranting texts of Grafitti. Made no sense whatsoever and have concluded that they may have been random song lyrics by crazy druggy lyricist? Perhaps..hope so, surely he can't be that mad for real. Am changing phone number.
Thats all for now folks. Am off to make dinner.
Minty xx
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