Tis the end of a pretty good weekend. I actually turned in at 8:30 this evening, mainly because I was totally exhausted and also due to over consumption of wine left over from Friday night which I had I decided to drink whilst cooking dinner, love that Sunday afternoon feeling when its warm outside, and after a glass of wine whilst peeling spuds and chopping carrots you get a slightly fuzzy hottish feeling. Prawn came for dinner having been sent home from work (as barmaid) because she got the shakes whilst pulling pint of Carlsberg and as I'm sure you can imagine getting the shakes whilst pulling pints is kind of disastrous and hard to miss. She was ok by the time she'd eaten my dinner and drank some wine. I had celebratory slice of chocolate cake this evening as my e-bay item sold for £21 and I was only expecting about a fiver. Cake was make by Thing one first thing this morning, she and her house guests (2 x 12 year olds who'd had sleepover here) made this rather yummy chocolate cake but couldn't get oven to work - what a bunch of pillocks! Oven works fine for me, however one half of handle came off rendering oven on brink of disaster, just hope that other half goes when I'm cooking oven chips and not free range chicken stuffed with parnips and apple, suspect that once handle gone, whatever food is cooking will be trapped forever. Putting food in it will be like playing Russian Roulette from now on.
Did Bootsale today, not especially profitable, but got to sit in sun all afternoon, sold TV with no remote, not even sure it'll work without it, but as I explained to customer that is why it only £3. Took 6 hand reared tomato plants (moneymakers) along with me as experiment and they sold straight away....more where they came from, I've got basil, bizzy lizzies, snap dragons and something else which escapes me right now. Also swapped hideous spongebob toy to woman on stall next door for pair of red pyjamas with stars on them. Told her they perfect for me as I only wear red in bed. They look new. Also bought Thing Two's brownie uniform on e-bay much to disgust of her father and my mother in law....to be quite frank I do not see any glory in lining the pockets of Top Form (overly priced uniform shop at end of road)and would rather save money to go towards preplacement car as my current car is knackered. Yes, I did say Brownies. We've been going for 2 whole weeks now and I have decided to offer my services whenever thing two is there...not worth driving home as brownies in rural villagy location full of posh people as was boot sale. Brownies are loud and crazy, as are their leaders, Brown Owl, Tawny owl, barn owl and snowy owl. Thing two has not only embraced Brownies but has built an alter in her bedroom encompassing two pink stools, a checked table cloth, bible and gold elephant with joss stick poking out of top which she sits and prays in front of. Only other news to report is that my POD although in present cicumstances she will by known as my mum has fallen down a man hole near the river and broken her hand, possibly nose and has hurt ribs. Have got chocs for her and am visiting tomorrow. Poooor mummy. Some passers by drove her all the way back to her house in Stortford. Good samaritans. Would like to thank them.
mint xx
Ps Thing two not allowed to light joss stick in her room, only to be lighted by me in front room - just thought I'd mention that in case any social workers read this.
February, mud and hope
2 weeks ago
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