Have you ever tried putting an entire eucalyptus tree into bin liners? No of course not. Well I have. The council will collect tree provided its in a bag. ha ha ha very funny. They will collect in batches of 8 bags at a time by giving me an allocated time slot for collection. So far I've filled 7 bags and its made very little impact on pile of tree in garden. Garden is hideous mess. I have borrowed burny bin thing from Shamelss but am unable to get it to burn anything. Would make crap arsonist.
I've taken my thriftyness to new heights and actually bought pre-loved dress the other day and have been wearing it..you'd never know, except I keep telling people. Got big mouth you see...can't keep it shut. The thing is if I want a new car and holidays in the Caribbean I'm simply going to have to buckle my belt and stop spending.
Its been a rather sad week as EH's Aunt Shirley died suddenly in her bed. She leaves many sad people behind. RIP Shirl.
On the other hand its been bloody marvellous, I've had supremely effective visit from Secret Lover - who is now lamenting over being pushed out of way father of 2 and being bossed about by ex girlfriend who is demanding money by crateful. Think he should shut up whining and make most of it, we're not here long enough. Wouldn't say that to him though...he so unhappy.
I've made up with Malaria, life's too short to have enemies, besides she love me, so she says. I have also sold stacks of stuff on e-bay, found an old friend on Facebook who has invited me to visit her in Boston, US. Feeling a trip stateside coming on perhaps next year. So many places to go and not enough time to do it all. I've got invitations coming out of my ears at the moment, so nice to be in demand. On Thursday night I took myself and thing two along to Brownies and before I could help myself I found myself volunteering my services once a week to help them...so I shall be known as a unit helper. I feel myself drawn more and more to the village and would so like to live there. Think it would suit me so well would like little white cottage with roses round door where I would wear Cath Kidson aprons whilst make jam which will win prizes for miles around. I shall have open gardens where people will come and admire my Holly Hocks and buy cups of tea and cakes. I shall be chair of the WI and also be a Brown Owl whilst sitting of various committees organising fetes and charity functions. oh.
Did I mentions the Book Fair, I think I forgot, well it was very good. The Brain, Janet and I decided to try and get as many freebies as possible. Icame away with 27 pens, a frisbee, 2 footballs, 5 novels, a condom?, 3 notepads, 3 diaries, a higlighter, 4 stress toys, 4 keep for life bags, a torch and a bout a kilo of sweets and a piece of cake. Not bad eh? Also met Nick Cave (ex rock star) who has written crap book copy of which he handed to me whilst dressed up as rabbit. Got photo of that, will put it on tomorrow.
Mint xx
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