I awoke this morning with the themetune to Magic Roundabout going round in my head...still there. Figured I would illustrate garden crisis. As you can see garden desolate mess, even washingline lying unconscious on lawn, fainted from shock and has not yet been revivived. Tree roots yet to be removed. I will never plant another tree again. Also, please note thing two's handywork which still inhabits decking and it's been raining making it all the more icky job to clear up. Am hoping for high winds in the night that might take it away without me having any input. Received booty call at 2am from Secret Lover...nothing doing. Could note awake myself sufficiently. Is big nerve anyway. In my coma I also forgot to mention puppies but have decided that next time I get puppy request I will text back the following:
"Puppies gone, too much of handful...unable to support them any longer, gone to better home, sold to thin lady from thoughtful-on-the-mature, her need greater than mine". That should stop him in his tracks. Am currently clearing out toy box trying to match decapitated heads and amputated limbs back onto correct torso's and then will attempt to dress all dolls. Am thinking BootSale. hmmm.
Must go, dolls in pain, they calling me. Am Nurse Mint. xx Happy Easter
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